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sabato 31 agosto 2013

SWIFT Corporate Access & ISO 20022 : Is There Value for Corporations?

Financial services industry standards have helped create efficiencies, capacities, and reduce integration costs. Recent developements in corporate to bank standards, SWIFT for Corporate access and ISO 20022 XML, offer these advantages to corporate users.

Read full article @ the following link: http://urlin.it/4a7ed

lunedì 26 agosto 2013

Financial Services International Expansion: Using Global Expertise to Meet Local Needs

Banks challenged with meeting unusual global requirements frequently turn to specialized providers in those geographies with global reach and local expertise.  Here are some examples of unique client requirements by geography and how GXS’s extensive experience in financial services enabled their banking partners to cost-effectively meet their clients’ needs.

Read Full Article from GSXblogs.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/49e87

domenica 25 agosto 2013

Fatturazione elettronica: obblighi e strumenti per PA e fornitori

L’Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale partecipa alla semplificazione delle procedure amministrative e supporta le amministrazioni negli adempimenti per l’adozione della fatturazione elettronica. Il Decreto Ministeriale n. 55 del 3 aprile 2013, entrato in vigore il 6 giugno 2013, ha infatti introdotto l’obbligo della fatturazione elettronica nei rapporti economici tra pubblica amministrazione e fornitori, in un’ottica di trasparenza, monitoraggio e rendicontazione della spesa pubblica.
Leggi l'articolo completo al seguente link: http://urlin.it/498e9

venerdì 23 agosto 2013

Commission announces €13.7 million boost to cross-border digital public services

Following the successful collaboration between EU Member States, industry, national administrations, academia, the private sector and local communities on a series of projects to make living, working, travelling, studying and doing business across borders easier, the European Commission is making a €13.7 million investment to further develop cross-border digital public services.

Read full article @ the following link: http://urlin.it/49435

domenica 18 agosto 2013

France trasposes EU electronic invoicing directive into national law

Directive 2010/45/EU pursues the objectives of its predecessors: to harmonize, simplify and streamline electronic billing processes, maintaining the possibility of electronic submission as long as the authenticity of origin and content integrity are guaranteed.

Read full article @ the following link: http://urlin.it/4911e

giovedì 15 agosto 2013

Banks and Supply Chain Finance: Something's Changed

Metro Bank created a bank model that applied to physical branches the 24x7 internet accessibility paradigm.
It started as a retail bank offering “always-open” branches and face-to-face customer relationships. It is now strongly moving up the chain and incorporating small enterprises that require very much the same service and care that of individual customers.

Read Full Article @ the following link: http://urlin.it/4846c

mercoledì 14 agosto 2013

PayPal's fizzog-based payments app rubbished over reliability worries

Shop assistants may be too thick to guarantee the security of Paypal's new real-world payment system, a leading security bod has cautioned.
PayPal is currently trialling a new system that allows shoppers in the London suburb of Richmond to pay for stuff using their ugly mugs.

Leggi l'articolo completo al seguente link: http://urlin.it/476e9

martedì 13 agosto 2013

Public Sector e-Invoicing to Become Mandatory in Europe

The European Commission recently proposed a directive on e-invoicing as a part of "end-to-end" procurement. Here a quick breakdown of the proposed directive's documents.

Read full article @ the following link: http://urlin.it/472eb
TheTheThe European Commission recently proposed a directive on e-invoicing as part of ‘end-to-end’ e-procurement. The proposed directive and communication can be found here, but if you are feeling a little reluctant to read through these documents, here is a quick breakdown. - See more at: http://www.gxsblogs.com/nigeltaylor/2013/08/public-sector-e-invoicing-to-become-mandatory-in-europe.html#sthash.7c2cW9Kk.dpuf
The European Commission recently proposed a directive on e-invoicing as part of ‘end-to-end’ e-procurement. The proposed directive and communication can be found here, but if you are feeling a little reluctant to read through these documents, here is a quick breakdown. - See more at: http://www.gxsblogs.com/nigeltaylor/2013/08/public-sector-e-invoicing-to-become-mandatory-in-europe.html#sthash.7c2cW9Kk.dpuf

venerdì 9 agosto 2013

Firma elettronica, avanzata o digitale? Una guida per capire

Sono 4 le tipologie di firme elettroniche previste dal Codice di Amministrazione Digitale. Ecco le principali differenze per comprendere il relativo valore probatorio.

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ICT4Executive al seguente link:http://urlin.it/46e54

martedì 6 agosto 2013

Agenda, da che cosa ripartire a settembre

Avviare la struttura definita nel decreto del Fare. Definire strategie e indirizzi dell'Agenda che sarebbero dovuti arrivare a febbraio, per evitare l'effetto "a macchia di leopardo". Realizzare un piano per l'emissione di tutte le norme e i decreti attuativi previsti. Si riparta con queste buone intenzioni

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ICT4Executive al seguente link: http://urlin.it/46241

venerdì 2 agosto 2013

Il futuro del bitcoin che rivoluzionerà la moneta

Mentre i diversi libri mastri della transazioni bancarie sono gestiti da banche e vengono bilanciati ogni giorno nelle camere di compensazione, il libro mastro del bitcoin è pubblico ed è validato da una rete peer-to-peer distribuita. L'innovazione è tutta ancora da sfruttare e inciderà sui pagamenti elettronici

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da AgendaDigitale.eu al seguente link: http://urlin.it/44b14