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mercoledì 31 luglio 2013

Il Decreto Fare tra Camera, Senato e questione di fiducia

Le movimentate vicende "parlamentari" del Decreto Fare, sulla cui approvazione il Governo ha posto la questione di fiducia, si sono momentaneamente concluse con l'approvazione alla Camera dei deputati, il 26 luglio, del testo della legge di conversione. Ora, tutto si giocherà in Senato.

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ANORC.it al seguente link: http://urlin.it/437eb

martedì 30 luglio 2013

NHS looks to go paperless by 2018

A new white paper commissioned by V1, reveals how electronic document management can help the NHS reach its goal of delivering £20 billion in efficiency savings by 2015. Earlier this year Jeremy Hunt, Health Secretary, said that the NHS will be ‘paperless’ by 2018.

Read full article from Accountpayablenews.org @ the following link: http://urlin.it/43443

lunedì 29 luglio 2013

Agenda Digitale: ecco tutti i ritardi del Governo

A quasi un anno dall'adozione dei decreti del Governo Monti, poco o nulla è stato fatto per la loro concreta implementazione. Al via un’iniziativa di Agendadigitale.eu per monitorare l’adozione di decreti attuativi e regole tecniche 

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da Agendadigitale.eu al seguente link: http://urlin.it/43395

venerdì 26 luglio 2013

Procurement could unlock billions in profits

Reducing Supply Chain costs could increase company profits by billions of euros a year - far more than by cutting labour costs, according to a report into the Netherlands' top companies.

Read full article from Supplymanagement.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/429bf
REReducing supply chain costs could increase company profits by billions of euros a year – far more than by cutting labour costs, according to a report into the Netherlands’ top companies. - See more at: http://www.supplymanagement.com/news/2013/procurement-could-unlock-billions-in-profits/#sthash.sgDsyvxv.dpuf

mercoledì 24 luglio 2013

Pa e cloud: grande interesse, scarso utilizzo

Il 57% dei grandi enti evita il cloud per difendere gli investimenti già fatti. Il 40% dei piccoli teme la discontinuità del servizio. Eppure questo modello tecnologico permetterebbe non solo di introdurre nuovi servizi ma anche di garantire la continuità operativa e il ripristino rapido e completo dei dati.

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da AgendaDigitale.eu al seguente link: http://urlin.it/41e4b

martedì 23 luglio 2013

Agenda digitale: compiti per le vacanze

L'estate è arrivata sorprenderci a metà del guado. Non siamo stati ancora in grado di dare un quadro preciso al Decreto del Fare e un assetto definitivo all'Agenzia per l'Italia digitale. Ma non scoraggiamoci: ecco i punti a cui pensare adesso e su cui bisognerà lavorare al rientro

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ICT4Executive al seguente link: http://urlin.it/41dc3 

lunedì 22 luglio 2013

Turning cash co-operation into competitive advantage

Optimal working capital management practices allow organisations to take control of cash flow. Yet this can be a somewhat fluid process that peaks and troughs in line with supply and demand. As a result, companies can leverage available liquidity reserves, benefiting from a degree of certainty and consistency with respect to funding.

Read Full Article from Procurementleaders.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/41d05

venerdì 19 luglio 2013

European level e-invoicing only a distant dream?

Today, most e-invoicing “ecosystems” and standards are local – either country based, service provider based, invoice sender/receiver based or de facto “standard” email- based. There has also been a lot of discussion around international/EU wide standardization, but not that much is happening in real life.

Read full article from EEIPlatform.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/41b72

giovedì 18 luglio 2013

Dopo la riunione del Direttivo ANORC il nuovo assetto dei vertici associativi

In seguito alla recente riunione del Direttivo allargato ANORC - svoltasi a Lecce il 12 e 13 luglio - pur in una sostanziale continuità col recente passato i vertici dell'Associazione si sono arricchiti con l'acquisizione di nuovi e validi componenti.

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ANORC.it al seguente link: http://urlin.it/41a78

mercoledì 17 luglio 2013

The European Draft Directive on e-invoicing – what about PEPPOL?

This june, the European Commission published a draft directive on e-invoicing in public procurement. The draft directive proposes the establishment of a European e-invoicing standard and the accompanying communication sets out actions that should be taken to achieve end-to-end e-procurement.

Read full article from Sharedserviceslink.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/41132
TThestablishment of a European e-invoicing standard and the accompanying communication sets out actions that should be taken to achieve end-to-end e-procurement. - See more at: http://www.sharedserviceslink.com/file/95947/the-european-draft-directive-on-einvoicing-what-about-peppol.html#sthash.dwGfOPEiThis
establishment of a European e-invoicing standard and the accompanying communication sets out actions that should be taken to achieve end-to-end e-procurement. - See more at: http://www.sharedserviceslink.com/file/95947/the-european-draft-directive-on-einvoicing-what-about-peppol.html#sthash.dwGfOPEi.dpuf
sestablishment of a European e-invoicing standard and the accompanying communication sets out actions that should be taken to achieve end-to-end e-procurement. - See more at: http://www.sharedserviceslink.com/file/95947/the-european-draft-directive-on-einvoicing-what-about-peppol.html#sthash.dwGfOPEi.dpuf
This June, the European Commission published a draft directive on e-invoicing in public procurement. The draft directive proposes the establishment of a European e-invoicing standard and the accompanying communication sets out actions that should be taken to achieve end-to-end e-procurement.

It calls for implementation by 2016 so that in all public procurement, e-invoicing is made mandatory and that there is a common standard for e-invoices so that suppliers in different member states can submit invoices across borders. - See more at: http://www.sharedserviceslink.com/file/95947/the-european-draft-directive-on-einvoicing-what-about-peppol.html#sthash.dwGfOPEi.dpuf
This June, the European Commission published a draft directive on e-invoicing in public procurement. The draft directive proposes the establishment of a European e-invoicing standard and the accompanying communication sets out actions that should be taken to achieve end-to-end e-procurement.

It calls for implementation by 2016 so that in all public procurement, e-invoicing is made mandatory and that there is a common standard for e-invoices so that suppliers in different member states can submit invoices across borders. - See more at: http://www.sharedserviceslink.com/file/95947/the-european-draft-directive-on-einvoicing-what-about-peppol.html#sthash.dwGfOPEi.dpuf

The European Draft Directive on e-invoicing – what about PEPPOL?

martedì 16 luglio 2013

Beijng starts with e-invoicing

The Beijing State Tax Bureau, the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce, Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry, decided on 27 June 2013 to start with electronic invoicing pilots.
China’s e-commerce giant 360buy Jingdong Mall (www.jd.com)  is one of the first companies in the Beijng area to start using electronic invoicing for individual buyers. Electronic invoicing, as part of the pilot project, is available to customers that buy books and video products in Beijing. Customers are free to choose paper invoices or electronic ones. The move is aimed at promoting electronic invoicing and improving the development of e-commerce, said Sun Yao, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce.

Read full article from EEIPlatform.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/40b28

lunedì 15 luglio 2013

Il piano datacenter della PA è mission impossible

Enormi benefici per lo Stato- 3 miliardi di euro- e per l'industria Ict (centinaia di milioni di euro). Ma il cronoprogramma previsto dal decreto del Fare è da libro dei sogni. Non tiene conto delle carenze della banda larga e delle resistenze della Pa. Tuttavia, avanti bisogna andar...

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da AgendaDigitale.eu al seguente link: http://urlin.it/4061b

venerdì 12 luglio 2013

e-Invoicing and how it helps to prevent payment fraud

Crime. Even the word on the page can make the hairs prick up on the back of your neck. At night, when you cross a darkened park in a bustling city, you may find yourself instinctively looking out for signs of crime. Or the threat of it. 

Read Full Article from Shareserviceslink.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/3f89f

giovedì 11 luglio 2013

e-invoicing in a material world

With up to half a million paper-based supplier invoices to process each year, Toyota Material Handling Europe (TMHE) looked to electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) to increase internal efficiency. With the project now live and suppliers coming on board, does it live up to the promise?

Read Full Article from TreasuryToday.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/3f5c6

mercoledì 10 luglio 2013

Cartelle esattoriali: si sperimenta l'uso della PEC

È partita alla fine di giugno una sperimentazione, che coinvolge alcune regioni pilota (Molise, Campania, Lombardia, Toscana), sull'uso della posta elettronica certificata per la notifica di cartelle esattoriali a persone giuridiche (società di persone e di capitali).

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ANORC.it al seguente link: http://urlin.it/3e3d2

martedì 9 luglio 2013

E-invoicing in public procurement: another step towards end-to-end e-procurement and e-government in Europe – frequently asked questions

What is e-procurement and e-invoicing?
Electronic procurement (e-procurement) refers to the use of electronic means by public sector organisations when buying supplies and services or tendering public works.
End-to-end e-procurement is the use of electronic communications and transaction processing in public procurement contracts throughout the entire process, from electronic publication of notices to electronic payment.
Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) is the electronic transfer of invoices between business partners (supplier and buyer).

Read full article @ the following link: http://urlin.it/3dc1d

venerdì 5 luglio 2013

Getting to the heart of the UK government’s plans for e-invoicing

The UK Government last week published what they call their “Information Economy Strategy” in which the UK’s intentions for e-invoicing in public sector are stated. It’s been met with a positive, indeed an enthusiastic response. But not from me.
This is what the UK government says: “Government also wants to make it easier for its suppliers once they have won contracts, by encouraging the use of electronic invoicing.” And they go on: “Government will not mandate suppliers at this stage, but will look at ways to spread best practice, and will track progress with a view to taking action if required at a later date.”

Read full article from Purchasinginsight.com @ the following link: http://urlin.it/3d949

giovedì 4 luglio 2013

"Firma e fattura elettroniche ok, ma ora avanti verso vera automazione"

I nuovi provvedimenti possono costituire il punto di partenza concreto del percorso verso una piena digitalizzazione, ma è necessario capire come verranno attuate. C'è rischio di un'ulteriore burocratizzazione. C'è poi tanto da fare ancora: ad esempio una piattaforma in grado di integrare i dati dei sistemi di fatturazione elettronica con le informazioni bancarie relative alle disposizioni di pagamento. Il punto di vista di tre noti professionisti.

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ICT4Executive al seguente link: http://urlin.it/3d8bd

martedì 2 luglio 2013

EC Communication: End-to-end e-procurement to modernise public administration

The European Commission has proposed a draft directive on e-invoicing in public procurement, accompanied by a communication setting out its vision for the full digitisation of the public procurement process, so-called 'end-to-end e-procurement'

More info @ the following link: http://urlin.it/3d781

lunedì 1 luglio 2013

Dematerializzazione, i benefici per gli studi professionali

Uno studio da 1 milione di euro di fatturato ottiene risparmi pari al 10% dei ricavi. Percentuale che sale al 20% nel caso di un piccolo studio da 50mila euro di ricavi l'anno. A questi vantaggi concreti e misurabili si aggiungono poi benefici intangibili, ma non meno importanti. Il modello sviluppato dall'Osservatorio ICT&Commercialisti del Politecnico di Milano.

Leggi l'articolo completo tratto da ICT4Executive.it al seguente link: http://urlin.it/3d706