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martedì 29 novembre 2011

The CEN eInvoicing Phase 3 Workshop has released new draft CWAs for public review

The CEN eInvoicing Phase 3 Workshop has released the following draft CWAs for public review:

- Good Practice: e-Invoicing Compliance Guidelines. “The Commentary”
- Electronic invoice processes in Europe and enablement of SMEs to use them efficiently
- CEN e-Invoice Gateway - Increase awareness and promotion of E-Invoice in Europe; Development of a community of practice in the field of E-Invoicing
- Code of Practice on Electronic Invoicing in the EU

These CWAs are now available for public review.

You can download the draft CWAs at: http://www.cen.eu/cen/Sectors/Sectors/ISSS/Activity/Pages/eInvoicing_2.aspx. Please send us your comments using the forms you will also find on this website.


Open meeting on the implementation of electronic invoicing across Europe on December 12th 2011

The open meeting on the implementation of Electronic Invoicing across Europe will be held on December 12th 2011, 9:30AM at the Diamant Building in Brussels, Belgium.

More information on the workshop is available at: http://www.e-invoice-gateway.net/.


mercoledì 23 novembre 2011

Our Mission

Competitive pressures  push businesses to new configurations of their value chains. Technological innovation and new legislation make it possible to extract significant  value  from areas, , hit her to considered  of  no consequence  for the strategic positioning of the company.

Dematerialization of  the Financial  Value Chain and  Straight Through Processing  are key important examples.

Traditionally, commercial and financial relations between counterparts develop over 2 separate but parallel streams:
  • a document flow,  where action is taken to eliminate paper, a source of costs  , risks and delays

  • a management flow , which is automated to make faster and more secure the exchange processes, the recording and processing of information for operation
To improve performance, companies create  new configurations of their B2B and B2G relationships based on electronic documents whcich  use new models  new paradigms, namely:
1.     for the exchange of transactions and documents, use a trusted third party,  independent, private and capable of assuring compliance with  legal and fiscal obligations, requiring no investment and addressing the underlying complexity
2.     access capabilities that go beyond the simple conveyance of information and allow the immediate integration of document flow management processes and accounting
3.     control  flows and activate collaboration with customers and suppliers
4.     realize  STP ( Straight Through Processing ) and integration with banking relationships  (receipts, payments, reconciliations, activation of credit lines on  simple presentation of orders and/or invoices), using the value of information to improve credit rating as per  Basel II/III . Adapt to the new EU regulation of payment systems and migration to SEPA
5.     realize the benefits arising from the use of digital documents in the wider network of companies, from large to SMEs and micro
6.     facilitate the exchange of electronic documents with Public Administrations (central and local authorities ..more  than 100,000 subjects for e-invoicing)
Ultimately, our mission is to provide the tools to implement essential changes mandated ​​ by the laws of the market. 

For example…on H2H platform it is possible :

1.     Issue and receive invoices for customers and suppliers and the PA
2.     Automate integration with banks and accounting
3.     Manage disputes between customers and suppliers
4.     Manage receipts and payments
5.     Automatically reconcile invoices and payments
6.     Manage invoice financing with banks and Factoring
7.     Access services of electronic filing and legal archiving
8.     Manage  the transition from paper to electronic
9.     Ensure interoperability between all actors in the chain

lunedì 21 novembre 2011

Why … the Hub2Hub network ?

In Italy there are 6.5 million active VAT numbers, of which almost 4.5 million businesses (95% micro, 4.9% small and only 3,500 large) and 2.0 millions are self-employed professionals. All these subjects produce invoices…for this reason the dematerialisation services market is a highly fragmented .
For large companies and their service providers it is very difficult and expensive to acquire electronic invoices from small suppliers. The "biller/supplier-centric" business model  is not feasible on a large scale ... in the long run is the loser.
The winning model throughout the world is the l "consolidator" but smaller suppliers are  very difficult and costly to acquire. The vast majority of e-invoicing project reaches no more than 20-30% of total providers.
The acquiring companies are forced to manage two separate procedures: paper and electronic.
In a fragmented market, there is a need of a new "business model" based on:
  • a collaborative platform shared by multiple operators and using open standards
  • a multiplicity of operators capable of extending the market by offering new services to their customers
  • specialists in the area of accounting and administrative services who become
    " electronic intermediaries” for customers to electronic billing
H2H is the Italian "gateway" to the European platform  Sakarah and its network of operators  offering :
  • Electronic signature (emission and verification)
  • Dispatching client invoices
  • OCR-scanning suppliers invoices
  • Dematerialization
  • Qualification and on-boarding of Operators
  • Marketing and technical support to Operators
  • Ad-hoc services for Italian market
H2H is responsible for the domestic market and   ensures compliance of services to European and Italian regulations.

mercoledì 16 novembre 2011

Conferenza "ICT e PMI: senza carta e con le nuove norme" il 25/11 a Torino

Si terrà il prossimo 25 novembre presso il Politecnico di Torino la conferenza dal titolo "ICT e PMI: senza carta e con le nuove norme" . Organizzata dall'associazione ICT DOTT.COM (Associazione Information & Communication Technology Dottori Commercialisti) , vedrà la partecipazioni di parecchi esperti a livello nazionale e internazionale. La conferenza sarà focalizzata sulle ultime evoluzioni normative e tecnologiche in ambito fatturazione elettronica e conservazione sostitutiva soprattutto per il mercato della piccola e media impresa.
Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito dell'associazione http://www.ictdott.com/

giovedì 10 novembre 2011

Intervento di Gianfranco Tabasso, Presidente di Hub2Hub , a OMAT Roma 2011

Gianfranco Tabasso (Presidente di Hub2Hub e CEO di FMS Group) partecipa a OMAT Roma 2011 in qualità di relatore nel convegno "I dati digitali e l'innovazione: il domani è oggi" con una presentazione sui vantaggi e le opportunità date dall'eliminazione della carta nel ciclo commerciale e amministrativo e i conseguenti impatti nella riduzione del capitale circolante. Il modello proposto da Hub2Hub, ovvero come un nuovo modello di business può facilitare l'accesso delle PMI alla fatturazione elettronica.


giovedì 3 novembre 2011

Fatturazione elettronica alla PA addio?

La mancanza di fondi ostacola anche la messa a in atto dei pagamenti informatici. A metterci lo zampino i tecnici della Ragioneria dello Stato che non hanno dato parere favorevole. Il mancato via libera ha bloccato un processo virtuoso che dai pagamenti arriverebbe dritto alla fatturazione elettronica, in barba a quanto previsto dal nuovo Codice dell’amministrazione digitale che fa delle transazioni digitali una delle chiavi di volta della rivoluzione paperless, in grado di venire incontro anche alla necessità delle imprese che chiedono alla PA di rispettare i tempi di fatturazione.
